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Hitch Mounted MX Dirt Bike and Scooter Carrier Best Price
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Ratings of Hitch Mounted MX Dirt Bike and Scooter Carrier best price

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The Hitch Mounted MX Dirt Bike and Scooter Carrier Features
- Maximum 600 lb. capacity Dirt Bike and Scooter Carrier for a 2" Class III/IV hitch receiver. Not recommended for use with tow-behind or 5th wheel trailers
- High strength black powder-coat steel frame with a detachable 59-1/4"L loading ramp
- Clearance distance of 15-1/2" from pin hole to carrier (20" from pin hole to center track)
- Assembles in about 20 minutes
- Includes a reverse anti-tilt (anti-wobble) collar and hitch pin to reduce receiver slack
Product Descriptio:
The New MX-600X is steel constructed with the dimensions of 60" Long x 5.5" Wide. Simply slide the MX-600X carrier into your Class III or IV receiver and secure it to the hitch tube using the included pinch bolt and anti-tilt device. Tighten up the left-over slack with the pinch bolt that presses the carrier tube against the receiver tube on your vehicle. The anti-tilt device keeps the loaded carrier from tilting back and forth putting stress on the hitch tube. Do not use this carrier with tow-behind or 5th wheel trailers due to excess vibrations in the vehicle suspension during towing.
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